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Opportunities > Berlin | Theatertreffen International Forum - open call


15 Dec 2015

Berlin | Theatertreffen International Forum - open call



An open call for young theatre makers to join the International Forum at Theatertreffen 2016 by Berliner Festspiele. This call is aimed at theatre makers up to the age of 35 from the fields of directing, acting, design, dramaturgy, writing, music, video, performance, choreography and other artistic disciplines.

The International Forum is a two-week programme with an international call for applications. It is aimed at professional theatre makers up to the age of 35 years, whose artistic focus lies in the area of drama. The Forum sees itself as a platform for comprehensive theoretical and practical exchange. The International Forum 2016 will take place from 6 to 22 of May. The programme consists of workshops with artists invited to the Theatertreffen, the attendance of performances of Theatertreffen and Stückemarkt as well as the attendance at the Theatertreffen-Camp, the festival’s discursive platform. Participants will receive a grant.


Applicants should be:

  • no older than 35 years of age

  • work in the theatre continually in a professional and creative capacity

  • be available to participate for the entire period (6 to 22 May 2016)

  • have an adequate working knowledge of German (at least B2); exceptions are possible, if the local Goethe-Institut applies for it

The International Forum’s programme is based on four elements:

  • Attendance at the performances of the ten productions selected for the Theatertreffen and at the presentations of the Stückemarkt

  • An exclusive practical workshop programme with residential workshops headed by experienced artists and art clusters, scientists, and external experts, lectures by grant holders, working groups on aesthetic and topical issues, etc.

  • A theoretical programme in exchange with students, professionals and external experts within the Theatertreffen-Camp (discussion panels, lectures, round tables etc.)

  • Excursions to Berlin’s cultural scene and to performances at theatres around Berlin.

The Theatertreffen takes place from 6 to 22 May 2016
The International Forum opens on Friday 6 May and ends on Sunday 22 May 2016. (Day of departure: Monday 23 May 2016)

Detailed information about the grant programme and applications for the International Forums 2016 can be found here: International Forum: Open Call 2016 [PDF, 92 KB]

Deadline for applications 15.12.2015

Image: Foyer in the Haus der Berliner Festspiele © Piero Chiussi / Agentur StandArt