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Opportunities > BigCi Environmental Awards - artist residencies in Australia


10 Mar 2015

BigCi Environmental Awards - artist residencies in Australia

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Australian and International Artists are invited to submit entries for the BigCi Environmental Awards 2015. This year, BigCi is offering 3 awards, each consisting of a free 3-week BigCi artist residency in the World Heritage listed Greater Blue Mountains, New South Wales.

Submissions deadline is 10th of March 2015

Submission Criteria
The BigCi Environmental Awards are open to artists from various fields such as visual art, installation, multimedia, performance, literature, music, film-making and curating.

Your submission must show how you wish to respond to the environment around BigCi.

BigCi is located only 1.5 hours drive from Sydney, Australia’s biggest city, yet it is in a dramatically different world - on the edge of the Wollemi National Park in the UNESCO World Heritage-listed Greater Blue Mountains. This is an area of stunning scenic beauty, with its own unique flora, fauna and geomorphology.

For your project during the BigCi residency, you can choose to deal with a particular environmental issue, explore ideas and concepts related to nature, or use this opportunity to creatively respond to the unique wilderness on our doorstep.

Each Environmental Award recipient will receive 3 weeks of free residency at BigCi during a mutually agreed period of time within 12 months after receiving the Award.


More information and the Application Form – here BigCi Environmental Award 2015

Bilpin international ground for Creative initiatives (BigCi)

BigCi is an independent, artist run, not for profit micro artist residency program with a focus on supporting serious artists by facilitating their projects. Being “micro” means that we are flexible in the range of creative initiatives that interest us, personal in the way we work with individual artists, quick in making decisions, energetic in development and implementation of projects, keen to be involved in multidisciplinary collaborations.

BigCi provides a ground for the professional development of artists from various fields, such as the Visual Arts, Performing Arts, Literature, Music, Photography, Film, and Hybrid Arts.