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Opportunities > Brussels | Culture for the Future event - call for young cultural sector participants


30 Apr 2019

Brussels | Culture for the Future event - call for young cultural sector participants

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Culture for the Future International Colloquium takes place in Brussels, June 16-17 2019. On the theme of Creativity, Innovation and Dialogue for Inclusive Development, the European Commission invites young artists, creative entrepreneurs and culture professionals (20-28 years old) to apply to participate and contribute to the debate.

OPEN CALL The European Commission supports the participation of talented youth. Participants are expected to contribute actively to the event e.g. notably in the working groups, but also as speakers, through artistic interventions or other means.

Participants might come from the following professions or areas of study related to culture and creativity: artists, cultural entrepreneurs, filmmakers, influencers, policy-makers, researchers, activists, etc.

The aim of this call is to select up to 40 young people (20-28 years old). Successful applicants will receive support to travel and accommodation cost to take part in the Colloquium 2019 on the 16 and 17 June 2019.

In the selection of participants, the European Commission may take into consideration criteria like the motivation of the applicant as well as the applicant’s achievements related to the topics of the International Colloquium 2019. The European Commission aims for geographical and gender balance among the participants.

Deadline for applications: 30 April 2019

Culture for the Future is a key moment to reflect on the future of EU support to the cultural dimension of Development and international Cooperation directly with the professionals from all the cultural and creative sub-sector.

Culture for the Future focuses on four topics:

  • Culture and cultural industries: new opportunities for job creation and inclusiveness
  • Challenge of financing
  • Access to market
  • Impact and opportunities of the digital revolution

Participants are professionals from EU and partners countries in Culture and Creative industries sectors, EU and partners countries' policy makers, EU Agencies and Cultural Institutes, partners countries' development organisations, financial institutions, International organisations and civil society organisations.