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Opportunities > Brussels | Fondation Thalie European Chronicles residency call


15 Sep 2019

Brussels | Fondation Thalie European Chronicles residency call

The Fondation Thalie and the Evens Foundation are launching a call for European Chronicles, a research and production residency  in Brussels for the period of 2019 – 2020. The call is open to artists and authors of all nationalities based in Europe.

The call aims at creating a collaboration between a visual artist and a writer, who are invited to propose a collective project engaging with challenges that Europe faces today and envisioning perspectives for its future. The artist and writer duo may be an already established partnership or formed specifically for the call.

The research themes may include but not limited to:
• Identities and different forms of belonging in contemporary Europe
• Resurgence of nationalisms and redefinition of borders
• New forms of political communities, struggles and solidarities

The selected duo will receive:
• Artist fees of 1,500 euros for each candidate
• A production grant of up to 8000 euros for the collective project
• A workspace and accommodation provided by the Fondation Thalie in Brussels (if necessary)

The final presentation of the project may take the form of a publication or an exhibition at the Fondation Thalie in Brussels, as well as at a partner venue in France.

The candidates are encouraged to develop an itinerant or relocated project; the residency should not necessarily take place in Brussels.

Who is this residency for?
The call is addressed to artists and authors of all nationalities based in Europe, without age restriction. Candidates must speak French and / or English. The literary work may be produced in any European language; translation into French and English will be envisioned for the final exhibition and / or publication.

Deadline to submit the applications: 15 September 2019 at 19:00 (Brussels local time)
• Announcement of the selected project: Mid November 2019
• Residency: starting January 2020
• Exhibition or publication to be delivered: 2nd half of 2020

Duration of the residency: flexible with a minimum of 6 weeks from January 2020

The Fondation Thalie’s mission is to support contemporary creation committed to societal themes, through a multidisciplinary program that crosses visual arts, performance and thought, in which visual artists, designers and authors can compare their practices in a collaborative and transversal way. The Foundation is also involved outside the walls by initiating and producing artistic projects in relation to communities for the purpose of societal impact.