ASEF Culture360 | Connecting Asia and Europe through arts and culture

Opportunities > Bulgaria | Facade Video Festival 2014 | open call


30 May 2014

Bulgaria | Facade Video Festival 2014 | open call



Media and video artists from all over the world are invited to send videos for the fifth edition of Facade Video Festival that will be held in Plovdiv, Bulgaria between 18 and 20 September 2014.

Facade Video Festival is an annual video art exhibition where videos are projected onto the walls of houses both in the Old town of Plovdiv and in the neighborhoods. Facade Video Festival aims to create an interface between viewers and artists, between visual arts and the city. There are no restrictions concerning the theme.

ELIGIBILITY. Any author can participate with max. 3 videos. Videos submitted must belong to the category of video art. They should have been finalized after 1 January 2011, come in as a single-channel version and be copyright controlled by the artist.


THE EVENT WILL BE JURIED. A jury will select 10 nominee videos to be presented in the official DVD of the Facade Video Festival 2014 and award the author of the best video with a one month residency in the Art Today lab during 2015 (to the total value of 1000 euro including travel costs, per diem and production costs) for creating a video art project which will be shown at the Facade Video Festival in 2015.

NOTIFICATION OF JURY RESULTS. Everyone who enters the festival can check the results uploaded on the festival’s website after 30 June 2014.

Images: from 2013 Plovdiv Facade Video Festival