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Opportunities > Bulgaria | Moving Body Festival calls for dance films


18 Jun 2022

Bulgaria | Moving Body Festival calls for dance films

Bulgarian festival of contemporary dance Moving Body calls for short dance films from filmmakers, choreographers, visual artists, performers and other multidisciplinary participants and thinkers, for their competition 'Critical Moves'.

They are looking for films that focus on experimenting with the video medium, dance and movement with a strong choreographic sensibility and original concept. Films that explore new audiovisual lines and challenge the viewer’s perspective are very welcome. The category is open to a wide range of genres, including experimental, narrative, social, documentary and hybrid film forms as dance films made with virtual and augmented reality.

Selected films will be featured in the 7th edition of Moving Body Festival in October 2022.

They are looking for: 

  • Films that tap into Moving Body platform’s core questions
  • Films with sharp and clear concept
  • Innovative and provocative video art works that push the boundaries of the film medium
  • Films related to dance, choreography or movement
  • Films between 1–15 mins
  • Films made in the past two years
  • Films not submitted to previous Moving Body editions
  • Maximum two submissions per filmmaker

Awards and prizes

Participating films compete for the Jury Award for the Best Dance Film (EUR 500) and seven Encouragement Awards. 

All selected films will also receive one free pass to the Moving Body Festival 2022 and an invitation to participate in Moving Body’s touring initiative.

Application guidelines 

Deadline: 18 June 2022