Call for articles on cultural policy

The aim of these articles is to improve the understanding of the cultural policy sector in Asia and to provide insight into the social and cultural context of the following Asian countries: Brunei, Cambodia, Japan, Laos, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Pakistan, Philippines, and Singapore.
Articles should reflect on the following topics:
- A selected “national” policy (legislation, support/financing programmes, organization of public cultural institutions, etc) which reflects on the role of governments in developing cultural policies
- A relevant case study which presents the participation or role of civil society (private cultural organizations, foundations, artists, etc) in cultural policy formulation
- A report on conferences, seminars, events involving both public and private cultural policy actors and reflecting on cultural policy
- An evaluation of the impact of national cultural policy strategies on cultural life and trends in a certain region or country and vice-versa.
- Collaboration between cities in Asia and Europe or Asia-Asia on cultural policy formulation
The selected articles will be published under the Perspective section of website.
Articles should be written in British English, in a journalistic style with a minimum length of 800 to a maximum of 1200 words.
Proposals should be submitted in the form of a short outline of the subject together with a short biography/background note and a sample of similar writing before the 28th of February.
Proposal should be sent by email to Ramona Laczko: ramona.laczko(at)
The editorial team of will evaluate the proposals and send email confirmation to selected writers by 15th of March. A deadline for submission of the articles will decided together with the selected writers. The writers will receive a remuneration of 350 Singapore dollars (SGD) per article.
All content commissioned for website will remain the intellectual property of ASEF.
ASEF reserves the right to alter, remove or perform any other necessary editing to content submitted for use on the website, on grounds deemed necessary by ASEF, including sensitive issues concerning its member-states.
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