CALL: musée du quai Branly – Jacques Chirac Photography Residencies

Open call for the musée du quai Branly – Jacques Chirac Photography Residencies. The Photography Residencies program is exclusively opened to photographers native from one of the four continents represented in the musée du quai Branly – Jacques Chirac’s collections: Africa, Asia, Americas, Oceania (excluding Europe and USA). There is no age limit for candidacy.
As part of its artistic creation subsidy program, the musée du quai Branly – Jacques Chirac annually awards an amount of 15 000 € net to each of the laureates selected (see list - 3 awards usually made), in order to undertake their project.
The project proposed by the candidate must develop a specific aspect of his personal artistic research, and must not be confined to the documentary field. It must allow the candidate to work on all or part of a project in the direct continuity of his current artistic production.
The amount of the creation subsidy granted to the laureate includes both the general expenses due to the costs of the project’s execution (travel, accommodation, technical costs ...) and the artistic fees (author’s rights).
The “residency” doesn’t imply of a long-term stay in Paris (unless the artist has chosen to pursue his project in France). It consists in an “outdoor” work, that can be achieved anywhere.
Deadline for application: March 15th 2019
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The musée du quai Branly – Jacques Chirac Photography Residencies In the perspective of supporting non-European contemporary creation in the field of photography, the musée du quai Branly – Jacques Chirac has launched since 2008 an artistic creation subsidy program.
The Photography Residencies program gives every year one or several photographers native from one of the four continents represented in the collection of the musée du quai Branly – Jacques Chirac, the chance to develop an innovative work, in coherence with their personal aesthetic path. The musée du quai Branly – Jacques Chirac Photography Residencies benefit to the promotion and enhancement of the works of artists barely visible in France, by financing part or all of a creative project.
The photographic works produced as part as this program enter the museum’s collection at the end of every residency period. They thus contribute to the museum’s photographic collection enrichment and may be presented and valued in the context of the museum’s activities. In 10 years, the Photography Residencies have allowed 32 photographic series, or the equivalent of 429 prints, to integrate the national collections.
Image: Aun Raza (winner of 2018 Photography Residency for: For the Love of Lahore), from series: Yangon, Rough and Tender
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