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Opportunities > Call for papers for special issue of Social Enterprise Journal


15 Dec 2022

Call for papers for special issue of Social Enterprise Journal

A special issue of the Social Enterprise Journal is calling for papers on the transformative potential of culture and the arts from social enterprises.

Social enterprise initiatives in culture and the arts are diverse and include an economic dimension related to sustaining artistic and cultural expressions through market and non-market relations, on one hand, and embedding cultural and artistic dimensions in socio-economic relations, on the other. A growth in the arts-based social enterprises points to a growing interest in how the arts can support social and economic development, and the ways new economic models can generate employment for individuals excluded from the labour market.

List of topic areas

Drawing from the critical and transformative potential of culture and the arts this special issue focuses on the role of social enterprises (SE) and the social and solidarity economy (SSE) as well as third sector organisations (TSOs) in the sustainability of local communities and society at large.

It invites contributions within the following themes:

  • Transformative social innovation through culture and the arts
  • Social and economic inclusion to and through culture and the arts
  • Cultural policy in a period of transformation for culture and the arts
  • Culture as a field of eco-social transitions

Call details

Deadline for manuscripts submission: 15 December 2022