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Opportunities > Cannes Festival Cinefondation Residence 2022 call


31 Aug 2021

Cannes Festival Cinefondation Residence 2022 call

Cannes Festival Cinefondation Residence has a CALL FOR ENTRIES for 2022 Spring Session open to young filmmakers from around the world who are working on their first or second feature film.

The Festival Residence accommodates young foreign filmmakers not residing in France who have directed one or several short films, or even a first feature film, and who are working on a first (or second) feature film project (fiction only no animation).

Applicants must be under 40 years of age.

All candidates must be fluent in English or in French.

Deadline for submission: 31 August, 2021

 A jury selects 6 candidates for each of the two four-and-a-half-months sessions per year. Submission for the next selection - Session March 1 to July 15, 2022 - are currently open.

The candidates are selected on the strength of the short films or the 1st feature that they have already directed as well as on their planned feature and the reasons why they wish to participate in the Residence’s programme.

-> Regulations and entry form are available online