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Opportunities > Casino Luxembourg | new residency programme in public space


02 Apr 2014

Casino Luxembourg | new residency programme in public space



Call for applications from Casino Luxembourg: new international artist-in-residency programme in public space - deadline: April 2nd. Two artists or artist collectives will be selected.

Following the rich experience of its successful residency programme project room @ aquarium, from 2015 onwards the Casino Luxembourg moves its residency programme OUT of its building and INTO the public space!

This contextual transfer will allow Casino Luxembourg to be present and get active in the public area on a more regular basis. Sharing the public space will hence be the new challenge, and therefore Casino Luxembourg is looking for artists whose practice is familiar with the notions of public space, for example, through site-specific interventions or community involvement.

This new residency programme will be designed so as to provide a maximum flexibility for the working artist and to offer the best possible conditions with regard to the realisation of each project. To get acquainted with Luxembourg's public space, a 5-day "taster" visit of Luxembourg will be scheduled in October 2014 for the two laureates. Subsequently, each will be requested to develop a first outline of their project for Luxembourg by December 2014. The residency periods (between 6 to 8 weeks) will be settled according to the very specific needs of the projects.

The residency is open to all individual artists or collectives wishing to develop their practice in a professional context by creating a new work. Applicants are free to choose their means of artistic expression but must have accomplished a master degree in arts (or equivalent) by the beginning of the residency, or, for non-degree holders, must give documented proof of at least a three-year work and exhibition practice. Applicants should not be older than 40 years. In order to facilitate communication with the local scene, participants should be fluent in either English, French or German. All applicants must hold a valid visa for the duration of the residency.

Casino Luxembourg will provide financial and technical support and will be in charge of implementing the artist's project to a maximum cost of EUR 7,500. Participants will be accommodated in a centrally located, self-sufficient flat in Luxembourg city. Casino Luxembourg will take over the artist's travel costs to and from Luxembourg and will pay 500 EUR for 14 days towards general expenses. The participants will receive an artist fee of EUR 1,500 that will be paid in two installments.

Deadline for applications: 2 April 2014 at 4pm (GMT+1)

SEE website for guidelines on how to apply. Note that project proposals are not required at this stage - selected artists will develop a proposal in situ in Luxembourg.

Image: Treacle (Susanne Kudielka & Kaspar Wimberley), Goldblase, installation in situ sur le rocher du Bock (Huelen Zant) à Luxembourg, 2013.