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Opportunities > CAT Cologne social practice residency call


30 Sep 2018

CAT Cologne social practice residency call


The artist residency CAT (“Community Art Team”) Cologne was founded in 2010 as a non-profit organization. Open call for international emerging artists working in the field of social practice and community engaged work to spend 1-3 months residency in Cologne on a specific project related to local communities and context.

During a working grant to spend 1-3 months in Cologne, artists are invited to realize a process-oriented project that picks up issues that are specific to context and engages with local communities. Each project closes with a small publication and a final presentation. A number of social events such as Dinner Parties and Brunches are part of the framing program.

The project’s task is to support the dialogue between diverse communities and engage them to their own constructive actionism by providing clever and creative ways of participation.

Please send your CV, a selection of former projects and your proposal for CAT to

Working grants for 1-3 months comprehend a small artist fee, travel expenses, production cost, accommodation and a brochure.

Deadline for proposals: 30 September 2018

Image: Dan Halter // “Shweshwe” // October-December 2017