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Opportunities > Celebrate the Short Film | HISFF 2014 | Enter your short now!


01 Apr 2014

Celebrate the Short Film | HISFF 2014 | Enter your short now!

None hisffThe time for unnoticed tinkering in the basement, burnouts and creative crises is over. Finally, life as a maker of short and art films is making sense again, for the 30th Hamburg International Short Film Festival is calling for entries. Come and submit your short films (fiction, experimental or documentary; max length 30 min) to the international, experimental or German sections of the competition!

The festival will be held from 3rd to 9th June to 9 June 2014.

It is time to celebrate the short film in Hamburg: cinema’s first, least compromising, most daring and most experimental art form. The festival will have a under 3 minute experimental film competition called the 'Three Minute Quickie' on the subject - Let there be dope!


Every year, the The-Three Minute Quickie Competition tasks the makers of short and shortest films with the following homework: Create a film of no more than three minutes running time on a given subject. The subject for 2014 is: Doping.

When you say doping, you immediately think of pills, injections and increased performances. Originally, Dop was a heavy South African liquor. When doping made it into a dictionary for the first time in 1889, it was defined as giving a cocktail of opiates and narcotics to a racing horse. Soon afterwards, the word “dope” became metonymic with cocaine, morphine, strychnine, caffeine or cannabis as well.

Even though our upcoming festival will focus on sports and throw a spotlight on its darker sides, we are looking forwards to cinematic intoxications, inebriations and abuses as well. We don’t give a damn whether you’re expanding your consciousness or pushing yourself to ecstatic peak performances. But keep in mind: Your dope submission may not exceed three minutes of length (or 3:59 min including trailer and credits) and it has to show up in our post by 1 April 2014. So, shoot and shoot up!

The jury will be the audience at the 30th Hamburg International Short Film Festival and it will award 1.000 Euros to the best submission.

 Submission deadline for the “Three-Minute Quickie”: 1 April 2014

Click here to know more about submissions! 30th Hamburg International Short Film Festival encourages filmmakers to make their submissions via HTTP://WWW.SHORTFILM.COM and  WWW.REELPORT.COM.