ASEF Culture360 | Connecting Asia and Europe through arts and culture

Opportunities > Cemeti | Germany-Indonesia residency call


02 May 2017

Cemeti | Germany-Indonesia residency call


Cemeti – Institute for Art and Society, and Goethe-Institut Indonesia are collaborating to invite one artist based in Germany to spend three months at Cemeti in Yogyakarta Indonesia, alongside one Indonesian artist who will be in residence for the same period.

Cemeti – Institute for Art and Society is the oldest platform for contemporary art in Indonesia. Now in its 30th year, the artist founders have stepped aside from the day-to-day running of the organization. As a new team takes the helm, they are taking a moment for public reflection to think through alternative possible futures for Cemeti. They are using 2017 to recalibrate, envisioning Cemeti as being “down for maintenance” (like a website), whilst being open to the public. This process takes the form of a dynamic one-year program of exhibitions, workshops, assemblies and working groups called Maintenance Works. By conceptually taking the institution offline, Cemeti hopes to create time and space to ask basic questions about where they are and where they want to go, beginning with: What are the key social and political urgencies in the city, country & region? What is the social and political agency of art practice? What can institutions (of art) do? What is a gallery for? How do we work together?

This residency programme encourages an open process of research and knowledge exchange, connecting residents with local artists, crafts people, curators, researchers and academics, but also a diverse range of constituencies from across Yogyakarta. The driving ambition of the residency is to encourage and support artists to connect directly with local communities, and through their work to address key issues at stake in the local context and beyond. During the residency Cemeti will provide a studio and desk space to serve as a base from which to work and venture out across the city. Cemeti’s team will act as a discussion partner throughout with a weekly ‘Breakfast Club’ for the artists to share their interests, questions and concerns. During the course of their stay the artist-in-residence will be asked to participate in several public events. This includes an artist talk, as well as Kamar Tokek (‘gecko room’); an occasional platform for residents to share anything from films, books, artworks and ideas. The residency will culminate in a final presentation, which can take the form of an exhibition, performance, lecture, workshop or anything else that is fitting for the artists’ work and practice.

Visual arts, with a specific interest in arts and social practice; duration of stay: 3 months from September through November 2017.

Artists working primarily in Germany; English language skills are obligatory.

For the 2017 residency, the application deadline is Tuesday 2nd May 2017.

The Goethe-Institut will cover costs for airfare, visa and airport transfers. They will also provide the artist with a per diem for daily costs, and a budget for production (valued at max. €650,00). In addition the artist will receive a flat fee of €2.100,00. The artist’s accommodation and studio space, as well as a selection of equipment and tools will be provided by Cemeti Institute. Furthermore Cemeti will provide a programme assistant (25 hours / week) to support the artists in their research and production process.