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Opportunities > Ci.Clo Photo Biennale 2021 | Call for applications


30 Nov 2020

Ci.Clo Photo Biennale 2021 | Call for applications

The Bienal Fotografia do Porto announces the 2020-2021 edition with the cultural patronage of BPI and the “la Caixa” Foundation. 

As a result of this collaboration, Bienal'21 launches «Cities in the City» creation and exhibition grants.

«Cities in the City» aims to develop photographic projects focusing on community initiatives that present local solutions to global issues; with a view to social and ecological justice. 

Two grants with the support of BPI and “la Caixa” Foundation are available to artists or artist collectives native or living in Portugal or Spain. 

Two curators and selected specialists are partnered with the artists. The program will result in an exhibition at the São Bento Metro Station, Porto, integrated in the Bienal'21 Fotografia do Porto and PHotoESPAÑA 2021 program (May 14 to June 27, 2021). 

Application submissions are free.

The Open Call is available to November 30th 2020.

The Bienal Fotografia do Porto is organized and produced by Ci.CLO, in co-production with the Porto City Council, and financed by the Portuguese Minister of Culture, with the patronage of BPI and Fundação “la Caixa” and a network of national and international strategic partners. The second edition will be held from May 14 to June 27, 2021.

More info: