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Opportunities > Climate Change Theatre Action 2017


31 Jul 2017

Climate Change Theatre Action 2017


Climate Change Theatre Action (CCTA) is a worldwide series of readings and performances of short climate change plays presented biennially in support of the United Nations Conference of the Parties (COP meetings).  Join the international movement by proposing to host a reading or performance of a short play that addresses an aspect of climate change.

Become Part of CCTA 2017

Join us in hosting a reading or performance of short climate change plays this fall in support of the United Nations COP23 meeting chaired by Fiji and hosted in Bonn, Germany.

WHEN: Anytime between October 1 and November 18, 2017.

WHERE: Wherever you are.

WE PROVIDE: A collection of 50 short plays that address an aspect of climate change; a list of resources to help make your Action effective and unique; organizational and marketing support; and a lot of enthusiasm!

YOUR CONTRIBUTION: You agree to present an event between October 1 and November 18, 2017 using at least one of the plays in our collection. Your event can be as simple as a classroom or living room reading or it may be presented to a larger audience in a theatre. It may be designed to reflect your own aesthetic and community. (Please note: We cannot provide funding for events.)

Contact us at ClimateChangeTheatreAction [at] gmail [dot] com to register your event, get the full guidelines, and get access to the plays.

When technically possible, CCTA events will be livestreamed on the online platform HowlRound TV.

CCTA 2017 is a collaboration between the Center for Sustainable Practice in the Arts, NoPassport Theatre Alliance, The Arctic Cycle, Theatre Without Borders, and York University.

Please note: there is no set deadline for proposals on the website.