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Opportunities > CNC announces World Cinema Support Fund


30 Jun 2012

CNC announces World Cinema Support Fund

None The World Cinema Support ("Aide aux cinémas du monde") is a new fund dedicated to international co-productions. Jointly created by the Ministry for Culture and Communication and the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, it is managed by the Centre National du Cinéma et de l'Image Animée (CNC) and the Institut français.

This is a selective fund, and is granted as a subsidy either before or after completion of a project. It is granted to foreign feature-length film projects that are seeking support from French co-producers. In 2012, it has a total budget of 6 million euros. Each year, 4 or 5 sessions will be organized, thereby supporting 40 to 60 projects. The film must be a co-production between a production company established in France and one that is not, it must be directed by a non-French (or exceptionally French) director, and must be shot abroad.

This is a continuing fund of the CNC. For more details Click Here.