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Opportunities > Co-producing with Norway | Deadline 2nd Sept


02 Sep 2013

Co-producing with Norway | Deadline 2nd Sept

None Funding is available for foreign productions destined for theatrical release, in which a Norwegian producer participates as a minority co-producer.

nfiThe annual budget for 2013 is approx. EUR 2.7 million. Production funding can be up to 60% of the Norwegian part of the budget. The amount of money will normally be between EUR 100.000 and 500.000. Funding from the Norwegian Film Institute can be combined with investment from regional funds in Norway.

Co-productions with a minority Norwegian producer are eligible to apply for marketing support in Norway as well as support for covering the Norwegian co-producer’s representation at international festivals.  It will also be eligible to apply for ex post automatical support up to a total of 75% of the Norwegian budget, calculated on the bases of sales in Norway.

In evaluating the applications, the NFI will consider

  • Long-term plans for co-operation between the producers

  • Use of Norwegian talent on both sides of the camera

  • Co-operation with Norwegian industry, equipment and facilities, location, post-production, VFX etc.

Priority will be given to productions with

  • Strong artistic potential and/or

  • Recognized potential in the Norwegian market

How to Apply

Applications for funding must be submitted by the Norwegian minority producer. The project must be acknowledged as a cultural product in the country of the delegate producer. If the application is made under the European convention, it should be forwarded to the NFI through the Competent Authority in the delegate producer’s home country. A deal memo from a Norwegian film distributor confirming theatrical release in Norway is required. The volume of support will be determined on the basis of Norwegian spend and on the share of other Norwegian investment. The applications are evaluated and recommended by Senior Advisor Co-productions and the Executive Director of Production and Development.

Deadlines for applications in 2013 is 2nd September 2013

Documentary Funding

It is possible to obtain funding for documentary productions not produced for theatrical release with a Norwegian minority co-producer. The evaluation procedure and requirements are similar to theatrical releases, but with some additional requirements. The application will be evaluated by one of the documentary film commissioners. The annual budget (2013) for documentary co-production is approx. EUR 0.4 million.

For more information regarding documentaries that are not produced for theatrical releases, contact Senior Advisor Bjørn Arne Odden.

Deadlines for applications in 2013 will be announced this month and later in October 2013.