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Opportunities > COAL Prize 2019


09 Sep 2019

COAL Prize 2019

Call for entries for 2019 COAL Prize, dedicated to projects on themes of art and environment. Since its inception in 2010 by the COAL Association, the COAL Prize has become a vehicle for identification, promotion and dissemination of these artists to the general public, political actors and professionals of culture and ecology.

Each year the ten projects are shortlisted by a committee of professionals among the projects received through the international open call. The winning project will be chosen by a jury composed of representatives of partner organizations of the 2019 COAL Prize and personalities of art and ecology.

All the artists and projects considered by COAL and the selection committee will become part of a network which COAL may invite or endorse for other relevant opportunities and projects carried out by the association.

For its tenth edition in 2019 the COAL Prize will, in collaboration with the Platform on Disaster Displacement and DISPLACEMENT: Uncertain Journeys, tackle an essential subject:  displacement related to disasters and climate change.

Applicants will be judged on the following criteria: artistic value, relevance (understanding of the theme), originality (the ability to introduce new approaches, themes, and points of view), pedagogy (ability to get a message across and raise awareness), social and participative approaches (engagement, testimony, efficiency, societal dynamics), eco-design and feasibility.

The COAL Prize supports art projects in progress. Its award is not intended to cover all production costs of the project but should be considered as an aid to its development.

For this special edition of the COAL  Prize, the laureate will receive a 10,000 euro grant awarded by the François Sommer Foundation.They will also benefit from international visibility in connection with DISPLACEMENT: Uncertain Journeys.

Deadline: 9 September 2019