ASEF Culture360 | Connecting Asia and Europe through arts and culture

Opportunities > Collide Residency Award 2022


22 Nov 2021

Collide Residency Award 2022

Artists across all countries and creative disciplines are invited to submit a project proposal for a research-led residency at CERN in Geneva and in various laboratories and research centres in Barcelona, while being hosted at the Hangar Centre for Art Research and Production.

Artists interested in applying to Collide are invited to submit a project proposal that combines research and production. The scope of this proposal will include a research period at CERN and a second developmental phase in Barcelona, where the artists will have the opportunity to expand their research through Barcelona’s rich scientific and cultural network, as well as to engage with a wide range of communities.

Collide calls for artists inspired by the processes of fundamental science and interested in interacting with the scientific communities at CERN and Barcelona.

Collide includes:
– A two-month residency at CERN, followed by one month stay in Barcelona hosted at and in connection with the city’s scientific laboratories.
– CHF 15 000 research and artistic production award.
– Travel costs, living and accommodation expenses for the three months of the residency
– A curated residency, regular meetings with scientists to discuss the artist’s research, and curatorial support from the Arts at CERN and Barcelona’s teams

We invite proposals that focus on the artist’s current practice and are open to working with physicists, engineers, IT experts and laboratory staff.

Deadline: 22 November 2021