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Opportunities > Connections through Culture | UK-India-China Grants Programme | call


27 May 2011

Connections through Culture | UK-India-China Grants Programme | call


The British Council offers Creative Networking grants and development grants each year to enable producers organisations to make exploratory visits to the partner country to build relationships and develop plans for collaborative projects and work.

The closing dates for India in 2011-12 will be:

  • Friday 27th May 2011

  • Friday 30th September 2011

  • Friday 27th January 2012

The closing dates for China in 2011-2012 will be:

  • Sunday 12th June 2011

The British Council only support projects that fit with their aims as a cultural relations agency, are high quality, have relevance to the region the organization is working in, have potential impact & outcomes, and embrace the spirit of mutual respect.

Much of the support the British Council can offer is also about providing contacts, helping arts organisations identify the most appropriate project partners, helping with information about practicalities and on the ground support.

Connections through Culture aims to develop institutional links and therefore individual artists are not eligible to apply for a development grant.

Read application details for IndiaRead application details for China

Source: British Council

Image courtesy of Asketic