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Opportunities > Contemporary Take, Beyond Cultural Heritage - project funding call South Asia


15 Sep 2017

Contemporary Take, Beyond Cultural Heritage - project funding call South Asia


The Prince Claus Fund and the British Council are pleased to announce a new funding stream for cultural heritage projects in South Asia: Contemporary Take, Beyond Cultural Heritage. Funding is available to individual persons or organisations living, registered and working in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.

We believe that both heritage and arts have the potential to create dialogue between communities and foster mutual understanding, and that new media opens up further opportunities for such dialogues to become inclusive and immersive experiences.

Call for artistic proposals

The British Council and Prince Claus Fund are looking to support projects in the funding range of €5.000 – €20.000.

This open call seeks proposals that enable young people to engage with diverse cultural heritage within their own context and/or across Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka, through contemporary artistic and new media interventions.

We are looking for cross-disciplinary initiatives by individual artists, creative professionals and cultural organisations from the aforementioned countries; especially projects that experiment on the intersection between contemporary arts, cultural heritage and new media to:

  • engage young people with museums

  • engage young people with built heritage

  • engage young people with traditions and oral histories.


  • Funding is available to individual persons or organisations living, registered and working in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.

  • Individuals applying for the call must be citizens of one of the countries. In case of a collaborative project, the above criteria applies to the main applicant.

  • Deadline for applications: Friday, 15 September 2017 at 17:00h (at your country’s standard time).

Information (Prince Claus Fund):

Information (British Council):