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Opportunities > CONTEXTILE 2022 - calls for Contemporary Textile Art Biennial


05 Mar 2022

CONTEXTILE 2022 - calls for Contemporary Textile Art Biennial

CONTEXTILE Contemporary Textile Art Biennial invites all artists, national and internationally, to present artworks for selection for the International Exhibition. The call is also open for Artistic Residency proposals. Contextile 2022 Biennal takes place in Guimarães, Portugal, 3 September - 30 October 2022

Residency CALL

Contextile 2022, following a strategy of cooperation and approximation between the Embroidery of Guimarães and the Textile Industry with the contemporary textile art, invites artists, national and international, to conduct artistic residencies having as objective the creation and production of artistic works from the concept proposed by the Biennial.

A small fee is offered (500€), together with residency accommodation for up to 40 days (15th July to 31st August 2022). Artists must cover their own travel costs. Works produced during the residency are part of the Biennial collection.

Deadline for residency proposals: 9 January 2022

International Exhibition CALL

In this edition, the Contextile biennial will focuse its activities on the thematic concept RE-MAKE – Dialogues for a textile culture, transversal to all the rubrics of its programmatic contents.

The International Competitive Exhibition will be composed of 50 artworks by50 artists. Will also be accepted and selected 2 artworks for implementation in the outdoors (public space).

The interested artists may apply with new creations or recent artworks, until the 5th March 2022, being accepted all artistic expressions in the visual arts disciplines. The proposals and artworks submitted for the competition will have to be around the textile element, through its concept, theme, techniques or materials. The artworks will have to be highly creative, original and technically competent. Will be accepted artworks of free thematics or developed from the thematic concept.

The jury will award
– An Acquisition Prize of €6.000,00 (six thousand Euros)
– An Honourable Mentions
– An ATP Acquisition prize and the ASM Acquisition prize, in the amount of €2.500,00 (two thousand and five hundred euros) each.

Deadline for submissions (Contextile Biennial exhibition): 5 March 2022