ASEF Culture360 | Connecting Asia and Europe through arts and culture

Opportunities > The Core Project | global visual artists call


30 Nov 2011

The Core Project | global visual artists call


The Core Project is looking for one video entry from one person in every country in the world!  By collaborating with Artists and Residents across all the sovereign nations of the world to create one piece of work broadcast to millions.

Matthew Nevin, Irish Curator and Artist and one of the curators at, is working on the International Visual Art Project called 'The Core Project - One world. Two minutes. One question?

Entries are sought from artists in all countries of the world.

Read more about The Core Project.

Watch previews from participants in other countries here:



For full details you can see the website here: and check if your country is available to submit to – marked in white.

Participants are asked to download a set of instructions and record themselves answering a question, which is kept secret until you hit record.

There is NO set deadline - the project ends and the videos go live when all countries are submitted - so even if your country is already submitted, think about recommending an artist in another country!