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Opportunities > Croatia | WHW Akademija 2023 international study programme


25 Jan 2023

Croatia | WHW Akademija 2023 international study programme

The curatorial collective What, How & for Whom (WHW) is calling for applications to participate in the 5th Zagreb-based WHW Akademija, an experimental, interdisciplinary, tuition-free art study programme for emerging artists, taking place online and in Zagreb from March to November 2023. 

The programme combines live and digital sessions, starting online in March and April and intensifying with a physical summer school that will take place in Zagreb (16–23 May 2023). The programme then continues online until the end of October 2023, when the final meeting of participants will take place in Zagreb.

Focused on eco-social and somatic practices, artistic ecologies, care, collectivity, and degrowth, the 2023 programme explores methodologies developed by artists and cultural workers to engage with their environments, be that artistic, social, digital, or ecological. 

The 2023 programme will be organised in collaboration between WHW (Zagreb), Rijksakademie (Amsterdam) and Neue Nachbarschaft // Moabit (Berlin).

WHW Akademija practical information 

WHW Akademija is a study programme for 10 to 15 international participants. It is open to individuals seeking to deepen their formal, theoretical, and critical skills in art and who are at the beginning of developing an independent artistic practice. Applicants should be practicing emerging artists with or without formal training.

Participants will be engaged in an intense process of collective working and learning and partake in an educational model that combines discursive formats and a number of practical exercises, including encounters with the public.

The working language of WHW Akademija is English and the programme is open to applicants from all countries.

Financial support

WHW Akademija is a tuition-free programme. Participants will receive financial support during the programme, consisting of a 7-month scholarship of 350 EUR per month. Programme-related costs in Croatia will be covered by WHW. Travel costs to Croatia will be reimbursed.  

Application guidelines 

Deadline: 25 January 2023

Imaege: WHW Akademija, Zagreb 2022. Photo: Sanja Bistričić Srića.