Culture for Cities and Regions | call for local & regional authority reps in Europe

Culture for cities and regions, a project funded by the Creative Europe programme, has published a second call for participants in thematic study visits on culture taking place from February to April 2016. It is open to representatives of local and regional authorities in Europe.
There will be fifteen study visits in total, until summer 2016. This call relates to the second five, taking place in the following locations and with the following themes:
- Birmingham (social inclusion and access to culture in neighbourhoods)
- North Portugal (regional creative cluster and network)
- Helsinki-Espoo (cultural education for youngsters)
- Lodzkie region (regional cultural development and social revitalisation through culture)
- Sofia (new resources for culture and reforming municipal cultural institutions)
Visits to Nantes, Wallonia, Bologna, Dundee and Nord-Pas de Calais have already taken place and a 3rd call will be announced in February 2016 for visits to Antwerp, Aarhus, Barcelona, Regensburg and Vilnius.
Participation is open to representatives of local and regional authorities, in European countries participating in the Creative Europe (Culture) Programme.
The study visits will enable participants to learn from their hosts, and consider whether and how best practices can be transferred.
The call will be online until 4 December 2016
Funding is available to cover for participants' accommodation and travel costs.

There are three broad themes for the initiatives / case studies: cultural heritage, cultural & creative industries, and culture for social inclusion. The key outputs are:
- a catalogue of 70 case studies
- thematic study visits to 15 cities and/or regions, involving a total of 60-95 cities and/or regions
- expert coaching for 10 cities and/or regions
For more information see the Culture for Cities and Regions project website.
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