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Opportunities > Culture Moves Europe 3rd call for residency hosts


15 May 2024

Culture Moves Europe 3rd call for residency hosts

The Culture Moves Europe 3rd call for residency hosts is now open. The call provides financial support to organisations and artists registered as legal entities working in the sectors of music, literature, architecture, cultural heritage, design and fashion design, visual arts, and performing arts.

The residency action supports legal entities (non-profit organisations, non-governmental organisations, public bodies, foundations, companies, or self-employed persons) that are registered and based in one of the 40 Creative Europe countries. It supports them to welcome up to 5 international artists and cultural professionals for a residency project lasting between 22 and 180 days.

The participants must be at least 18 years old and legal residents of other Creative Europe countries. The grant contributes to the costs of inviting and hosting international artists and cultural professionals.

The residency project should pursue two of the following objectives:

  • To explore: To conduct research, to investigate and work on a specific theme or a new concept.
  • To create: To engage in a collective creative process seeking to produce a new piece of artistic/cultural work.
  • To learn: To enhance the participants’ competences and skills through non-formal learning or collaboration with a specialist.
  • To connect: To develop a professional network, to strengthen the participants’ professional development, to engage with new audiences.
  • To transform: To contribute to societal change in line with the New European Bauhaus values and principles.


The residency grant contributes to the costs connected to hosting international artists and cultural professionals and their mobility. This includes: 

  • hosting allowance (35 EUR per participant, per day)
  • a mobility grant covering a travel allowance (350 EUR for distances under 5,000km, 700 EUR for 5,000km+) 
  • a daily allowance (25 EUR per person, per day)
  • various top-up allowances that support green travel and the participation of Overseas Countries and Territories or Outermost Regions, disabled artists and professionals, persons with children below the age of 10, and those with visa expenses

Culture Moves Europe 3rd round application guidelines

Deadline: 15 May 2024 

Culture Moves Europe is the permanent mobility scheme funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union and implemented by the Goethe-Institut.