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Opportunities > DAAD Artists-in-Berlin programme | call for writers, composers, filmmakers


01 Dec 2015

DAAD Artists-in-Berlin programme | call for writers, composers, filmmakers



Call for applications for the DAAD Artists-in-Berlin programme, offering residencies  of 12 months in Berlin (6 months for filmmakers). The programme is open to applications from internationally known and qualified filmmakers, writers and composers of all ages, from outside Germany, who have already developed a substantial body of work.

The Berliner Künstlerprogramm des DAAD was founded in 1963 by the Ford Foundation as an Artists-in-Berlin Program. In 1965 it was taken over by the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD), which subsequently opened up an office in Berlin. Funds are provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Berlin and by the Berlin Senate. Each year, around 20 internationally known and qualified artists, filmmakers, writers and composers of all ages, with a unique distinguished artistic signature and a substantial body of works, are invited to spend 12 months in Berlin (6 months in exceptional cases).  The grant for filmmakers is limited to a 6-month stay.

Please note: In the field of visual arts no applications are possible as artists are nominated by an international expert jury.

During their residence in Berlin the artists have the opportunity to continue their work undisturbed and to participate actively in the city’s cultural life. The aim of the DAAD Artists-in-Berlin Program is to promote exchange of experience among artists and to foster their debate about current cultural issues in other countries.

Residencies may begin between January 1 and May 31 of the subsequent calendar year, or later in exceptional cases. The exact date of arrival should be arranged as soon as possible with the DAAD Artists-in-Berlin Program office. Invited artists are welcome to bring along their families. Berlin has several international schools.

Invited artists should clarify the availability of technical facilities for work planned in Berlin before accepting the invitation. A detailed description of the project on which you intend to work during your residency is requested on the application form.

German nationals may not apply. Foreign artists who are residents of the Federal Republic of Germany are also excluded from application. It is the guests’ responsibility to arrange all visa formalities necessary for their stay in Berlin in their respective countries or with the German embassies in those countries.

Important: Every year the DAAD Artists-in-Berlin Program receives hundreds of applications. Many highly qualified applications cannot be considered because of the limited number of grants. The rejection of an application in no way implies a negative evaluation of the applicant’s artistic work. Reapplication is possible.

Deadline for applications: December 1 2015