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Opportunities > Delhi Photo Festival 2013 | open call for submissions


20 Apr 2013

Delhi Photo Festival 2013 | open call for submissions


Delhi Photo Festival 2013 invites photographers and curators to submit works for consideration as print exhibitions, digital exhibitions, photo-based installations, multimedia & films on the theme of GRACE. The international photography festival takes place in New Delhi, India 27 September - 11 October.

Deadline for entries: April 20 2013

Please read the guidelines carefully before you submit your work.

We also invite curators, collectives, communities & institutions to send us short proposals (by email) for talks, workshops, discussions and other events.

Please Note:

  • Genre, gender, age & nationality are no bar.

  • There is no entry fee

  • The Delhi Photo Festival is an international photography festival that features work from all around the world, about all parts of the world. Submitted work need not be India specific. Please take a look at the 2011 list of exhibitions to see the range of works featured in the last edition of the Festival.

  • Multimedia & film submissions can be made only through Offline Submissions process.

GRACE has been chosen as the theme for the Delhi Photo Festival 2013 as a tribute to the late Prabuddha Dasgupta, an inspiration to a whole generation of photographers.

“I want to have a long string of images, held together by grace, because grace is that undefineable, non rational, non linear word that I am looking for…. ” Prabuddha Dasgupta speaking at the Delhi Photo Festival 2011.

GRACE is very open-ended and has associations with many words such as elegance, poise, finesse, suppleness, agility, nimbleness, light-footedness, courtesy, decency, (good) manners, politeness, decorum, respect, tact, dignify, distinguish, honor, favor, enhance, ennoble, glorify, elevate, aggrandize, adorn, embellish, decorate, ornament, beautify, prettify, enrich, favor, approval, approbation, acceptance, esteem, regard, respect, goodwill, generosity, kindness, indulgence, formal benefaction, blessing, prayer of thanks, thanksgiving, benediction, deferment, deferral, postponement, suspension, adjournment, delay, pause, respite, stay, moratorium, reprieve

Photo practitioners are encouraged to interpret the theme through their works in diverse and creative manners while making their submissions.