Director - MAP Museum of Art & Photography, Bangalore - job opening

The new Museum of Art & Photography (MAP) a bold and dynamic project currently under construction in Bangalore seeks well qualified applications for the post of Director, to help design and deliver the museum's vision and mission during the pre-launch period, public launch (due December 2020) and beyond.
MAP now seeks a Director to work closely with its Trustees, Board of Directors and Founder President. They will help design and deliver the museum’s mission and vision and provide the leadership and management expertise needed to guide the organisation forward during its crucial pre-launch phase, public opening, and then into the future.
The Director will exert considerable influence over and continue to shape the development strategy, curatorial vision, acquisitions program and public programmes of the museum, whilst managing its currently forecasted $1.5 million operational budget. Working collaboratively with the existing senior management and Founder President they will also make bold decisions to rethink, adapt and grow the organisation and its policies as it moves forward into the future.
It is expected that the Director will be an inspiring leader with the competencies of a CEO/COO, who will:
• Provide effective and strategic leadership for the museum in order to successfully deliver its programmes, administration and all other operations during its pre-and post-launch phases, taking on many of the responsibilities of a traditional CEO/COO.
It is expected that the Director will have significant leadership experience, and will have deep cultural links to India.
Please see full job description for all requirements and competencies.
The Museum of Art & Photography (MAP) is a bold, dynamic and ambitious project committed building and sustaining a new museum of international standards in South India. Its mission is to exhibit, interpret and preserve a growing collection of art and cultural artifacts, motivated by a belief that museums can play a positive role in society.
MAP is the custodian to a growing collection of over 18,000 art works, predominantly from the Indian subcontinent and dating from the 12th century to the present. Its 43,000 sq. ft. flagship site will include five galleries, an auditorium, an art and research library, education center, a multimedia center and a specialised research and conservation facility.
From this center MAP will produce exhibitions, encourage and foster new academic research and improve access and understanding for the visual arts in India, with a key focus on inclusively building new audiences. Privately funded yet publicly minded, the museum is a $35 million dollar project, supported through individual giving and corporate philanthropy. MAP prides itself on professional and transparent governance, progressive policy making and inclusive programming.
MAP is currently managed by a team of 15, which will grow to an anticipated staff of 40-50 over the next year and in preparation for its public launch in December 2020.
Role type: Full-time
Location: Bangalore
Contract: Permanent (minimum 3 years)
Application deadline: May 15th 2019
Download job description
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