ASEF Culture360 | Connecting Asia and Europe through arts and culture

Opportunities > DongGang International Photo Festival Open Call


05 May 2019

DongGang International Photo Festival Open Call

open call poster with flowers

Submissions are now being accepted for the 18th DongGang International Photo Festival, held July 5 - September 29 in DongGang, Yeongwol, Korea.

The call is open to artists, collectives, galleries and organizations from around the world. Artists should enter between 8-10 photographs from a particular series or body of work.

Theme: Colorful Dreamer.

People with dreams and ideals innovate themselves and, eventually, manage to change the world. That is presumably because one cannot fulfill a dream alone: one needs to communicate to the world. By presenting the artworks that showcase a wide array of individual dreams, it is our wish to create an opportunity where we can all remind ourselves the meaning of the dream in the age that is often criticized for the absence of true dreams and dreamers.

No entry fee. 

Deadline: May 5, 2019.