E-MOTIONAL Bodies and Cities | call for proposals

E-MOTIONAL Bodies & Cities is a two-year mobility and artistic exchange dance programme gathering artists and managers from six European countries – Romania, Cyprus, Ireland, Latvia, United Kingdom, and Turkey.
The E-MOTIONAL organisers are currently launching the first call for proposals in the frame of the project’s Motion Fund. This strand represents a special funding scheme aimed at promoting cross-border mobility of the dance sector as well as encouraging the implementation of artists-in-residence activities in the participating countries.
Contemporary dance professionals (artists, managers, academics) from Romania – Ireland – Latvia – Cyprus – United Kingdom – Turkey are invited to apply for a mobility and networking grant in order to visit and attend specific events (festivals, workshops, international seminars, network meetings, etc.) taking place in the other project countries from September 2011 to March 2012. These visits are expected to be short trips with the purpose of exploring the contemporary dance scene in a specific country, making contacts and possibly planning future projects and exchanges. The duration of the visit shall be between 4-7 days according to each proposal submitted. The grant will cover a portion of the international travel expenses, accommodation and/or per diem to the maximum limit of EUR 1.000.
Please send your application by email to motionfund@e-motional.eu on or before July 31, 2011. Successful candidates will be notified by mid-August 2011.
A total number of 7 grants will be offered by the project organisers. The next call will be launched in January 2011 and will cover the period between April 2012 – April 2013.
For more information contact Stefania Ferchedau or Cosmin Manolescu at contact@emotional.eu or visit www.e-motional.eu (website to be launched in August 2011).
Download application form
Download information sheet
Source: E-motional
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