East West Art Award Competition 2011

The deadline is 30 June (23.59GMT) so please prepare for early entry to avoid a last minute rush. There are three steps for entry: 1) Registration (online), 2) Production of entry work(s) and your Profile Page and 3) Submission of final entry package, including images of completed work and detailed information and statement.
This year’s EWAA has evolved and now more artists in the Far East (Japan, China, South Korea etc), and South East Asia (Singapore, Thailand etc.) as well as in the UK / Europe are able to enter this unique east-west link annual art competition.
See entry details for who is eligible for the competition.
There are various visual arts categories. Please note there is an ENTRY FEE payable.
All finalists’ work shortlisted by the online judges for the first selection (15 July - 15 Aug) will be invited to exhibit at La Galleria in Pall Mall, London. It is free of charge but the artist is responsible for shipping or delivering costs.
The East-West Art Award (EWAA) s organised by the East-West Artists and Culture Club, based in London.
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