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Opportunities > Ecoismi | art and sustainability call for proposals


15 Apr 2015

Ecoismi | art and sustainability call for proposals

None ecoismi

International call to artists aged under 35 years for proposals for ECOISMI 2015, a contemporary art event in the heart of the Natural Park of Borromeo Island in Cassano d’Adda (near Milan – Italy) on the theme of 'Man and the Ways of Nature'.

Deadline for entries: 15 April 2015

The ECOISMI exhibition plans the realization of nine art works in full harmony with the identity of the Natural Park area. ECOISMI wants to be a meeting point between contemporary culture and the deep roots of territory. The at works realized have to be able to create a natural and osmotic relationship between art, the environmental and cultural context, and the identity of local site and will have an aesthetic and cognitive value, regarding processes and changes that concern the environment and the present human condition. ECOISMI wants to promote and activate opinions and thoughts on ecological and sustainable dynamics.

The goals:

  • Increase and improve the value of the local territory and its natural resources;

  • Safeguard of historical memory and territorial identity;

  • Knowledge and development of typical resources of territory;

  • Promotion of contemporary artistic languages;

  • Promotion, knowledge and development of artistic expressions of young generations;

  • Activation and promotion of debate between the artists and the population (resident, students, foreign and tourists);

  • Transport messages related to the environmental sustainability through different art forms.


The nine winning artists agree to work on site to create/install the works 3-6 June 2015. The exhibition opens 7 June and runs until 27 September 2015.

See guidelines for the specific information on materials and what may/may not be used from the immediate environment.  Artists are advised that they must provide personally all the technical supplies, materials and equipment necessary for the realisation of their artworks. Each winning artwork will be awarded 1,000€ following installation. Accommodation and meals will be provided for the artists locally during the construction period but there is no specific funding for travel.

Please read the guidelines carefully - CALL FOR ENTRIES in English