ASEF Culture360 | Connecting Asia and Europe through arts and culture

Opportunities > Edition/Basel 2019 - call for printmakers


01 Mar 2019

Edition/Basel 2019 - call for printmakers


International call to printmakers for Edition/Basel 2019.

Artists working in intaglio, relief, lithography and letterpress techniques will be selected to participate in 2 sessions at the Druckwerk Printmaking Studio in central Basel, Switzerland.

Each session is a 12-day program consisting of 10 artists. Session 1 runs from July 3 to July 14, 2019, concluding with an exhibition at the Basler Papiermühle Museum. Session 2 runs from July 17 to 28, 2019, concluding with an exhibition at the Salon Mondial at Atelier Mondial Basel. Exhibition project themes are chosen collaboratively, and interpreted individually or collectively by participants during their time in the workshop.

Selected artists pay a fee to participate:

Studio Program: 480 CHF/Euro/USD

Housing: 450 CHF/Euro/USD

Basic materials (ink, tarlatan, rags, etc) are included in the fee. A good selection of paper, linoleum, and other materials is available for purchase directly from the print shop. Limited housing available, please enquire.

Application deadline for both sessions: March 1, 2019