ASEF Culture360 | Connecting Asia and Europe through arts and culture

Opportunities > Erasmus Mundus Euroculture MA course


01 Jan 2011

Erasmus Mundus Euroculture MA course


The Erasmus Mundus MA course Euroculture: Europe in the Wider World is inviting applications.  It is delivered through a consortium of eight European and four non-European universities, including institutions in India and Japan.

Are you interested in Europe and European identity? Do you want to know more about the EU and Europeanisation? Would you like to spend at least two semesters at different European universities? Then the 2-year Erasmus Mundus Master programme Euroculture might be the Master for you!  MA programme Euroculture: Europe in the Wider World is a four semester, 120 ECTS, full-time innovative, multilingual, interdisciplinary and transnational Master programme.

It stands out from other European Studies programmes by its approach in which the citizen - instead of structures and models - is the central point of attention and reflection.  It offers students the opportunity to study and discuss European integration issues such as multiculturalism, current political governance, European identity and evolving social-political processes.

The international dimension of the programme allows for transnational cross-over comparisons of relevant concepts and their understanding in different regions in the world.

From the beginning of the programme in 1999, Euroculture was used as a concept to reflect in an interdisciplinary way on the many different expressions and manifestations of self-understandings of societies, social groups and individuals of, about and within Europe.

Its core questions are:

  • Whether, to what extent and in which forms does a common and unique European culture exist and how is it related to other regional or non-European cultures?

  • What is the mutual impact of political and social processes on European culture(s) and culture(s) in ?

  • How is Europe and how are cultural transformations perceived within and from the outside?

Through the exchange with our eight European and four non-European partner universities, the MA programme Euroculture offers the chance to gain experience with other languages, perspectives and cultural practices.

For all application details - see website.

Deadlines for 2011-2013 course are January 1st 2011 (for students planning to apply for a grant) and May 1st 2011 (for all other applicants).

Read this example of an MA Thesis for Euroculture MA by Kukiko Nobori on Art Biennial of Europe and Asia: comparison between Manifesta European Art Biennial and Fukuoka Asian Art Triennial (pdf. download)