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Opportunities > EU call | Strengthening capacities in the cultural sector


19 Nov 2010

EU call | Strengthening capacities in the cultural sector

None The European Commission issues a call for proposals on the theme "Strengthening capacities in the cultural sector".  Several Asian countries are eligible to apply for this multi-country EuropeAid funding programme.

The commitment of EU development policy in the field of culture is included in the Communication on a European agenda for culture in a globalising world, which highlights the role of culture in building bridges across countries and regions as well as an important instrument for sustainable development. The Communication also calls for the systematic integration of the cultural dimension in all EU external action including development policies, as defined in the new Treaty of the functioning of the EU (part 5) and for the promotion of access to culture as a priority.

Please see the application documents for eligible actions and required transnational partnerships. 

Note: applicants new to these programmes should first check the Guidelines for Grant applicants and Annex H: List of eligible countries. You are also strongly advised to contact the EU Delegation in your country who may be able to offer technical support and clarifications to potential applicants.

Grants between 250.000 and 700.000 Euros are available for non-profit organisations for projects lasting 18-36 months.  Lot 1 (theme: Investing in People - see guidelines for eligible types of project) is open to eligible countries in Asia and offers grants between 250k and 400k Euros.

The call is in two stages:

Concept notes for projects must be submitted by 19 November 2010

Following evaluation, the shortlisted applicants will be invited to submit full applications in early 2011.