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Opportunities > EU @Diversity Idea Competition


19 Aug 2013

EU @Diversity Idea Competition



The @Diversity Idea Competition - Innovative Ideas for the cultural and creative sectors in Europe is seeking fresh and innovative ideas for the European cultural sectors making use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) to create, make accessible, spread and/or finance culture.

The @Diversity Idea Competition is open to all European Union citizens. Individuals and organisations (for profit or non-for-profit) can apply , as long as they are established in one of the EU Member States, plus Croatia.

The competition is being carried out in the context of the Pilot Project "@ Diversity – Innovative Ideas for the cultural and creative sectors in Europe" , an EU-funded initiative which was launched in January 2013. The overall objective to which @Diversity will contribute is to test innovative approaches for dealing with cultural content for innovation and digital sharing and distribution and – in doing so – it will also contribute to the exploration of new business models promoting cultural diversity.

Information about the competition and registration are available at

The call is open until the 19th of August 2013.