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Opportunities > EU programme call | Local Authorities: Partnerships for Sustainable Cities


06 Dec 2018

EU programme call | Local Authorities: Partnerships for Sustainable Cities


A Call for Proposals is open for a new EU development sector programme, covering EU and eligible developing countries: Local Authorities: Partnerships for sustainable cities. While not specifically targeting cultural actions, there is scope to integrate these into bids, as long as they contribute to the overall objectives. The global objective of this Call for Proposals is to promote integrated urban development through partnerships built among Local Authorities of the EU Member States and of partner countries in accordance with the 2030 Agenda on sustainable development.

Partnerships will support Local Authorities from partner countries to address sustainable urban development through capacity building and service-delivery. Peer to peer exchanges of Local Authorities are at the heart of this approach. Actions could support the building of new partnerships or contribute to upscale long-lasting partnerships and cooperation relations.

The call reference is: 

Référence: EuropeAid/161146/DH/ACT/Multi

The call is divided into geographical lots, with different budget envelopes. 

Lot 2: Partnerships for sustainable cities in Asia and the Pacific

Total available: EUR 10,000,000.00

Applications may be made by ELIGIBLE ORGANISATIONS ( Local Authority or an Association of Local Authorities including city networks constituted in accordance with the legislation in force in the country) from either EU member states or from developing countries and territories, and other countries, as set out in the guidelines.

Potential applicants interested in the role of culture in sustainable development, with a view  to submitting a bid should consult the tools elaborated by Agenda 21 for Culture

- the toolkit Culture 21 Actions:

- the guide "Culture in the Sustainable Development Goals: A Guide for Local Action":

Deadline for submission of concept notes: 6 December 2018

Image: The City of Malmö, Sweden is a Leading City of the Agenda 21 for culture.