ASEF Culture360 | Connecting Asia and Europe through arts and culture

Opportunities > European ARTificial Intelligence Lab | open call


05 Aug 2020

European ARTificial Intelligence Lab | open call

Open call to artists to apply for the AI Lab residency at the Leiden Observatory, Netherlands, on the theme of Astronomy x AI. The call is open for international artists and all kinds of innovative concepts and ideas in the fields of AI, Machine Learning and Digital approaches to make sense of the Universe.

The AI Lab (European ARTificial Intelligence Lab) is a follow up project of the European Digital Art and Science Network and offers international artists working in the field of AI to win a residency at a scientific partner institution and at the Futurelab of Ars Electronica. The AI Lab is led and organised by Ars Electronica in collaboration with 15 partners across Europe, including Leiden Observatory. In this open call round artists will have the chance to apply for a residency at Leiden Observatory, the Netherlands.

The residency is divided in two parts – with an initial 4-6 weeks at Leiden Observatory where the winning artist will have an especially dedicated science mentor to inspire him/her and his/her work. The second part will be 3-6 weeks with the Futurelab team at Ars Electronica with whom the winner will develop and make new work inspired by the residency at Leiden Observatory.

  • The winning artist will be funded during their residency.
  • An artist fee in the amount of € 3.000,-, a production budget of € 7.000,- as well as accommodation and travel are funded from an Ars Electronica designated limited fund covering all residencies.
  • No prize money is involved.
  • In case the winning party is an artist duo or artist group the artist fee, production costs as well as travel and accommodation costs need to be split between the members.

Deadline for applications: 5 August 2020