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Opportunities > European CrAFt programme for climate-neutral cities call


09 Sep 2022

European CrAFt programme for climate-neutral cities call

CrAFt (Creating Actionable Futures) is calling for proposals from cities that want to test and share models of transformation, receive implementation support and become role models for cities across Europe.

The CrAFt platform will help cities to make their climate-neutral transformations beautiful, inclusive and sustainable. Running until 2025, CrAFt supports the implementation of the Cities Mission, the NetZeroCities Mission Platform and the New European Bauhaus (NEB). 

The CrAFt city cohort (of 70 cities) will include a geographically balanced mixture of cities. CrAFt particularly encourages small and medium-sized cities to apply.

Who is it for?

  • EU Mission Cities
  • EU Mission Applicant Cities
  • Other European and global cities of interest, NEB Lighthouse projects

What support is provided?

Selected CrAFt Cities will receive support to develop and test local collaborative governance models to support transition to climate neutrality:

  • Learn from other CrAFt Cities
  • Balance stakeholder interests, priorities & competencies in a Climate City Contract
  • Make the climate neutrality process more inclusive, empowering and accessible to all
  • Use art, culture and the creative sectors as catalysts in the transition
  • Participate in a next-generation think/do tank with students and youth communities
  • Participate in a storytelling campaign on actionable climate-neutral futures
  • Shape policy briefs to inform and advise national and European policy makers
  • Showcase projects in CrAFt events, storytelling and publications
  • Receive first access to the CrAFt Impact Model and Guidance Package

The first event for the CrAFt Cities will be held in early November, in Prague.

Application guidelines 

Deadline: 9 September 2022