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Opportunities > European Cultural Foundation - apply for cultural action grants - European democracy needs imagination


23 Apr 2019

European Cultural Foundation - apply for cultural action grants - European democracy needs imagination

The European Cultural Foundation is looking for ideas, projects, and experiments that breathe new life into European democracy. Apply now for ECF action grants! Creative, cultural actions that challenge negative discourse, actions prior, during and after the EU parliamentary elections in late May 2019.

What are we looking for?

We fund creative, cultural actions prior, during and after the EU parliamentary elections that can breathe life into Europe, and democracy at large.

Priority is given to proposals related to, and taking place before or during the European elections (May 23-26).

We want your innovative and provocative ideas that challenge the negative discourse and are able to become inspiring examples from the local to the European levels.

How and when can I apply?

Since this is a special year for Europe, we have special rules for this open call:

The call is permanently open as of February 2019 (PLEASE NOTE: the deadline published here for this opportunity is purely indicative!) until the available budget has been spent. We select projects on a rolling basis, meaning: first come, first serve.

Every couple of weeks we share with you the latest selection of projects through our online channels, as well as an update on how much budget remains.

Anyone above 18 years can submit a proposal, as long as it has a clear cultural and European dimension, and fits the theme and urgency. Grants are available for individuals and organisation. ECF does not support proposals submitted by political parties. Its work is strictly non-partisan, even if pro-European.

The European Union is an open and free society.

A place we created together and where Europeans have lived peacefully for almost 75 years. It has not been easy. We have defeated fascism and torn down the walls that kept us apart. We have created a place that is at peace with itself. A place that guarantees freedoms for which many others around the world are fighting. A place where we can travel freely. Where we can study and work in different countries and create experiences that will enrich the rest of our lives.

But this, our Europe is under attack. We are facing a newly divided Europe. A new kind of polarisation threatens the gains of decades of European cooperation. New levels of inequality erode the social fabric of our societies. Culture and identity are misused to divide communities.

Do we really want to watch this happen? It’s time to act now!