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Opportunities > European Development Days | Global video contest


01 Nov 2013

European Development Days | Global video contest

None bgcontest2In the context of the annual European Development Days, EU Commissioner for Development, Andris Piebalgs and the European Commission’s Directorate General for Development Cooperation (DG DEVCO) are organising a global video contest ‘Young voices against poverty’.

The aim is to encourage children and young adults aged between 13 and 24 to make their voices heard in the dialogue on addressing global poverty. The task is to create a short video (120-seconds max.) that showcases how they would like the world to be by 2030 and their ideas for eliminating poverty.

There will be four contest winners (two from non-EU countries, including Singapore) who will each receive a paid trip to Brussels to attend European Development Days (26-27 November 2013) and have their video screened and made available on the EDD’s website. The winners will be determined by those videos attracting the highest number of votes on the specific Facebook page created for this.

The final deadline for submissions is Friday, 1 November 2013

Winners will be announced on 5 November 2013.