European Geosciences Union - call for artists in residence

The European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2019, taking place in Vienna (Austria) on 7–12 April 2019, will bring together geoscientists from all over the world to one meeting covering all disciplines of the Earth, planetary, and space sciences. A call is open for artists to apply for a residency at the largest and most prominent geoscience conference in Europe. Send your ideas on how you might interact with scientists and promote dialogue and collaboration at the event.
After a successful trial in 2018, when the EGU officially hosted a cartoonist and a poet in residence at its annual meeting, we are now opening a call for artists to apply for a residency at the EGU 2019 General Assembly. The deadline for applications is 1 December.
The largest and most prominent geoscience conference in Europe, the EGU General Assembly brings together over 14,000 researchers from all over the world into one meeting covering all disciplines of the Earth, planetary and space sciences. Our residency programme provides artists with an opportunity to engage with scientific research in a dynamic setting and be inspired by new scientific discoveries. Researchers, on the other hand, can discover new and creative ways of making their work more accessible to the public through interacting with EGU artists in residence. We are open to a wide range of art forms that enhance the science discussed at the meeting and promote dialogue and collaboration between artists and scientists.
Examples of the work produced by last year’s artists in residence are available on the EGU blog. As was the case in 2018, all art produced by the 2019 artist(s) in residence should focus on the science presented at the meeting. In addition, we encourage the EGU artist(s) in residence to organise a short course on how their art form can be used to communicate science, in line with the short courses organised by the cartoonist and the poet in residence last year.
Interested artists should apply online by 1 December. The application should include a description of the type of work that will be produced, how it can be showcased during the EGU meeting, and, when appropriate, also directly before or after the General Assembly. The proposal should also include details about potential costs related to the transportation of art materials to Vienna and any technical requirements. A short document detailing experience is also part of the application. We anticipate announcing the results by mid December, to give the winning artist(s) the opportunity to submit an abstract to present at the conference before early January.
The EGU 2019 General Assembly is taking place at the Austria Center Vienna in Vienna, Austria, from 7–12 April 2019. The residency would take place at the conference centre and last for the full week. The EGU provides a stipend of €1000 to cover accommodation and contribute towards travel expenses, as well as a free registration waiver to the meeting.
All work produced will be licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike Licence. The EGU reserves the right to use the art, or reproductions of the art (such as photographs), on the EGU blogs, social media and other communication channels, including the screens at the conference centre. Depending on the format of the works, EGU may also use them, non-commercially, on postcards, t-shirts and other merchandise. We will always give appropriate credit to the artist and request that all art produced mentions the EGU.
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