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Opportunities > Everyday Digital Native | Digital AlterNatives Video Contest


26 Jan 2012

Everyday Digital Native | Digital AlterNatives Video Contest


The Centre for Internet & Society and Hivos Knowledge Programme are pleased to announce the Everyday Digital Native (Digital AlterNatives) Video Contest.

The Everyday Digital Native — Digital AlterNatives Video Contest — To Be, To Think, To Act, To Connect

The Everyday Digital Native is hiding inside each of us.

You THINK Digital.
You CONNECT using digital devices and gadgets.
You ACT Digitally, always clicking, linking, tagging and Liking.
You know what it means To Be Digital. It's simply a way of life!
Tell us your Digital Story. What makes your life so click-worthy?

Submit your proposal via Online Application Form ( by 26 January 2012

First stage is to submit a proposal with your response to the brief - anyone in the world, any age can apply.

Selection Process

  • Round 1: Send in your proposal by midnight, 26 January 2012.

  • Round 2: The jury will shortlist 25 proposals that will go on to make the actual videos. Shortlist deadline: 08 February

  • Round 3: The 25 shortlisted candidates send in their final videos on 08 March

  • Round 4: The Top 25 videos will be uploaded on our YouTube channel: SUPER DIGITAL NATIVES

  • Round 5: The Public Votes for the Top 10 videos. Voting closes: 08 April

  • Round 6: The Top 10 Videos Win EUR 500 EACH!!

  • Round 7: Jury Selects Top 2 Winners on 16 April

Check the website for all application guidelines, online application form, FAQs etc.

Digital Natives with a Cause? is a knowledge programme initiated by CIS, India and Hivos, Netherlands. It is a research inquiry that seeks to look at the changing landscapes of social change and political participation and the role that young people play through digital and internet technologies, in emerging information societies.

Image credit: World Bank Photo Collection