ASEF Culture360 | Connecting Asia and Europe through arts and culture

Opportunities > Exchange Radical Moments! | open call


30 Sep 2010

Exchange Radical Moments! | open call

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Call for ideas and proposals for a new Europe-wide live art festival showing site-specific interventions, public interventions, performances and live acts.

Exchange Radical Moments! is a brand new Europe-wide festival. It will take place simultaneously in cities across Europe – in Italy, Germany, the Czech Republic, Macedonia, Latvia, the UK and Austria, among others on 11 November 2011 (11.11.11), showing site-specific interventions, public interventions, performances and live acts. It is the first time that such a festival takes place simultaneously across the continent.

An Open Call invites artists to present ideas for projects along with a short biography by September 30, 2010.

The period between this open call and the events and actions that will take place on 11 November 2011 forms the ‘exchange phase’ of the project.

Calling for Ideas and proposals

By 30 September 2010 please let us know your project ideas, no matter how sketchy they are, and send them to Please include a short biography in your proposal.

What is being exchanged?

* Ideas and projects dedicated to the (re-)activation, the inventive (and resourceful) handling of public space

* Experiences from sub-cultures, counter-cultures, from the social outbound(-cast) districts, the margins of society * Objects and symbols, that enable and open up via exchange new outlooks concerning systems and networks

* And “radical moments” that take place in and between encounters; moments that have a certain magical impact on the involved peoples

*Questions that characterize the urban utopia

Two questions to consider in the proposal:

1. How does the „exchange“ between the people within your project happen, what are the dynamics of exchange?

2. What does this „radical moment,“ the moment that forged the exchange, look like?


DOWNLOAD pdf. Call for proposals