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Opportunities > Expert evaluators for the 2023 New European Bauhaus Prize


31 Jan 2023

Expert evaluators for the 2023 New European Bauhaus Prize

The European Commission’s Department for Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO) is calling for expressions of interest from external experts in sustainability, aesthetics or inclusivity to assess applications of the 2023 edition of the New European Bauhaus Prize competition.

The applications of experts are assessed from the angle of three fields based on the main values of the New European Bauhaus (NEB):

  • Sustainability (understood as environmental sustainability, including climate issues, circularity, biodiversity, etc.)
  • Aesthetics and quality of experience (design, arts, culture, architecture, etc.)
  • Inclusiveness (equal opportunities, public participation, citizen engagement, co-design, universal design, accessibility, affordability)

In addition, the call is aiming to select experts able to assess the applications from the angle of the field of education

Furthermore, among those who express interest in the call, the Commission will select members of the jury assessing the finalists’ applications and recommending the winners to the Commission’s Evaluation Committee. The role of a jury member may not be linked with the role of the expert assessing individual applications.

Who can apply?

The call is open to persons with educational and/or professional background in at least one of the fields mentioned above, with priority given to those with relevant education and/or experience in at least two fields.

Remuneration of experts 

Experts and jury members shall be remunerated at a fixed price of EUR 450 per day. 

Each day, the expert shall assess at least eight applications and the jury member shall review at least 36 applications within the 6 working days.

Travel and subsistence expenses are not applicable under this contract. 

Application guidelines 

Deadline: 31 January 2023

Image: The new Joint Research Centre for the European Commission in Sevilla was selected for the New European Bauhaus Prizes 2021.