FESTIVAL/TOKYO | emerging performing artists from Asia | open call

FESTIVAL/TOKYO F/T12 announces an open call for the 2012 festival: to create a platform for emerging performing artists based in Asia.
For F/T11 the Festival aimed to create a platform for the Asian arts, expanding its Emerging Artists Program out into the Asian mainland. From around 150 applications (70 domestic, 80 international), a Program was selected featuring 7 Japanese groups, 1 Chinese, 2 Korean and 1 from Singapore. F/T11 also saw the establishment of the new F/T Award to honour the best production among the Emerging Artists, and that company is then invited to present at the following year's Festival.
The Program will be returning in 2012 as part of the next Festival/Tokyo. It is aimed at artists and theatre groups under the age of 40 and who base their activities in Asia. Artists are selected through online applications and submission of DVD footage of their performances.
See website for application form and guidelines
About Festival/Tokyo
Aiming to promote Tokyo culture to the rest of the world F/T11 was held for 46 days from September 16 to November 13, organized by Tokyo Metropolitan Government and the Tokyo Culture Creation Project (Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture), along with Toshima Ward and its cultural development body the Toshima Future Culture Foundation, and the NPO Arts Network Japan.
The Festival should become a platform for dialogue with performing arts creativity in Asia, expanding its program and communication especially for that region. The F/T Emerging Artists Program will broaden into Asian countries and we will launch the F/T Award as a new experiment for young Asian theatre artists and their work, setting up new values for Asia’s creativity.
Image: Pijin Neji - dancer, choreographer, winner of the 2011 F/T Emerging Artists Award (C)Ujin Matsuo
FESTIVAL/TOKYO F/T12 announces an open call for the 2012 festival: to create a platform for emerging performing artists based in Asia. FESTIVAL/TOKYO F/T12 announces an open call for the 2012 festival: to create a platform for emerging performing artists based in Asia. FESTIVAL/TOKYO F/T12 announces an open call for the 2012 festival: to create a platform for emerging performing artists based in Asia.
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