| call for articles

The aim of these articles is to improve the understanding of the film ecosystem in Asia and Europe and to provide insight into the social, economic and cultural context in which films are being made and evaluated.
- best practices related to policy in encouraging the development of the film sector in countries like Australia, Austria, Brunei, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea, Laos, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Malta, Myanmar, Netherlands, New Zealand, Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdon, and Vietnam.
- collaborations between ASEM countries, encouraging film professionals from both regions to work together and exchange experiences
- latest developments in the sector, highlighting the opportunities but also challenges that the film sector is confronted with in both regions
- parallels between Asian and European practices in film making, financing, distribution, marketing and theory
- any other film related topic that is informative, educational and useful to our target visitors: young film professionals, journalists, scholars, and/or film enthusiasts.
The articles can have the format of a feature story, profile of or interview with an organization or film professional from Asia and Europe or a review of film related initiatives and events.
Articles should be written in British English with a maximum length of 800 to 1200 words. Proposals should be submitted in the form of an outline (short description up to 5 sentences) of the subject together with a short biography/background note before July 31th 2011. Proposals should be sent by email to film(at) and ramona.laczko(at)
The editorial team of will evaluate the proposals and send an email confirmation to the selected writers by August 15th 2011. The deadline for submission of the articles will be decided by the editorial team at together with the selected writers. The writers will receive a financial remuneration of 250 Singapore Dollars (SGD) per article.
All content commissioned for the website will remain the intellectual property of ASEF. ASEF reserves the right to alter, remove or perform any other necessary editing to content submitted for use on the, on grounds deemed necessary by ASEF, such as sensitive issues concerning ASEM member-states.
The author will be acknowledged accordingly on the page on which the article will be published. ASEF should be indemnified against any legal infringement and/or violation of intellectual property rights of third parties by the author, for content commissioned for the website.
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