FiraTàrrega performing arts market | call for proposals

[caption id="attachment_7204" align="alignright" width="384" caption="Kamchatka FiraTárrega 2010 © Jesús Vilamajó"]

Open call to performing arts companies and artists to send proposals for FiraTàrrega international performing arts market in Catalonia, Spain.
Professional companies and artists interested in participating in FiraTàrrega must send their artistic proposals (dossier, DVD, technical details & contact) until the 15th of February. In the case of as yet unperformed spectacles the staging project should be included.
The postal address for these documents is:
Artistic Direction
Pl. St. Antoni, 1
25300 Tàrrega
Tel. +34 973 310 854
IMPORTANT! Sending artistic proposals implies the acceptance of the Conditions of Participation.
FiraTàrrega is the international performing arts market held annually in Tàrrega in Catalonia, near Barcelona on the second weekend in September. Founded in 1981, FiraTàrrega is nowadays a showcase for professional performing proposals that are mainly addressed at the agents who take part in production and buying as well as the large audiences who give it its festive and spontaneous character.
La Fira includes the different performing disciplines and offers a wide range of spectacles; an extensive and selective programme of Spanish and international productions and, with a special incidence on creativity, the contemporary and visual forms to guarantee artistic innovation and diffusion.
FiraTàrrega aims to become a professional place as an international reference, to exercise leadership in Spain and the European performing arts networks and the wish to generate exchange flows over language barriers, maintaining a notable presence in the debate about the performing arts, as well as in the management, production and circulation of spectacles with emphasis on street theatre. To sum up, to become a real creative land.
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